Information for participation

If your practice participates with JHN, the pseudonymized data from your HIS will be processed quarterly. The data of patients who have indicated that they do not wish to participate will not be included.  

Door deelname aan JHN draagt u met uw praktijk bij aan een lerend gezondheidszorgsysteem waarin de gegevens worden gebruikt om de eerstelijns zorg te verbeteren door zorginnovatie en wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Nieuw verkregen kennis kan in nieuwe richtlijnen terecht komen en of leiden tot verbetering van de zorg in de praktijk of beleid. 

The questions that are answered with the data from JHN come from researchers and the healthcare field in the Utrecht region. JHN is part of the Academic Workshop on General Practice (AWH). Part of the AWH is the GP Innovation Team (HIT) which consists of GPs from the region who are embedded both in the region and in the Department of Family Medicine and Nursing Science at UMCU. The HIT family physicians have a connecting role in retrieving questions from the care floor and translating research findings into education, care or policy. A number of them also serve on the JHN steering committee.  

An example of the use of data from JHN for care innovation is the Wijk Data Wijk Doen (WDWD) project in Utrecht, in which JHN data is used as mirror information to make policy at the neighborhood level. A second example is Zorg Op de juiste plek in Utrecht (ZOUT). JHN data are linked to hospital data to evaluate the implementation of Regional Transmural Agreements (RTA). JHN-data wordt gebruikt als spiegelinformatie om op wijkniveau beleid te kunnen maken. Een tweede voorbeeld is Zorg Op de juiste plek in Utrecht (ZOUT). Hierbij worden JHN-data gekoppeld aan ziekenhuisdata om de implementatie van Regionale Transmurale Afspraken (RTA) te kunnen evalueren. 

Data from the JHN can be used for scientific research in several ways. For example, research can be done into the prevalence or incidence of certain disorders, or changes in this over time. Also, it can be investigated how certain conditions are treated within JHN, and what the effect of this is. Finally, data from JHN are used to develop models that predict the presence (diagnosis) or occurrence (prognosis) of a particular condition.  

By participating in JHN, your practice is part of regional development, innovation and science, and we ensure that we have representative routine primary care data. Together, we are shaping the care of the future. 


What is expected of participating practices?

Each individual general practice signs an agreement with the JHN. This agreement sets out agreements on such things as informing patients and supplying data.

Informing patients

The GP is obliged to inform patients about the use of pseudonymized healthcare data by the JHN. The JHN facilitates this by making posters and leaflets available, as well as texts for on the website and screens in the waiting room.

Click here for the waiting room poster andleaflet.

Patients have the right to refuse the sharing of their healthcare information. In that case, they will communicate this to the general practitioner or healthcare provider. The latter records this in the electronic medical record and ensures that no data from this patient is sent to the JHN.

Data submission

The general practice has or will have access via a login structure to Calculus/Proigia's VIPLive portal. From this portal, care data from the HIS can be uploaded to Calculus/Proigia on a quarterly basis.

After uploading the care data, the general practice is asked to submit this data to the JHN database. This can be done by pressing the 'JHN' button in the VIPLive portal.

This will initiate the process of pseudonymizing the data via a Trusted Third Party (ZorgTTP) and delivering it to the JHN database. Data from patients who have indicated that they do not wish to participate will be left out of the selection.


In exchange for making routine care data available, practices can choose between receiving reimbursement of costs or support in the form of detailed reports or mirror information on epidemiological data. This provides the opportunity for practices to participate in projects on innovation and quality policy. The JHN routine care database and collaboration with JHN is not intended to provide reports for the business operations of participating practices, for example, no quarterly reports for the health insurer will be delivered to the participating practice by JHN.

Participation in education and network meetings organized by JHN is free of charge and will be accredited whenever possible.

If you would like to know more or have any questions: please contact the secretariat at